Here’s a bit about me, if you’re just coming across my page for the first time:
My name’s Matt Phillips and I fell into the whole scooter thing completely by accident. My daughter borrowed one of these things from a friend a few years back and I’ve never seen her so hooked on a gadget so quickly. I gave it a go myself and boom – that was that.
I’m fascinated by tech in general, but I’m mostly interested in how far personal transport technology has progressed over the years. These days, it’s amazing how much you can take home for so little. I launched this site as a personal interest blog, but it wasn’t long before I was being asked to rate and review scooters on behalf of other people.
And retailers. And manufacturers.
But here’s the thing – I’ve never accepted a penny (and never will) from any store or manufacturer for writing a review. That’s not why I set my site up. I’ve no brand ties or direct affiliations, so I can say what I really think about the boards I test.
Which is important, given that some of the lower-grade boards on the market aren’t exactly great. And I’m not in the habit of saying something’s good if it’s actually garbage.
Long story short, I tell it like it is. I don’t often come across boards and scooters that are plain awful, but I’ll for sure make it clear when I do. Otherwise, you can count on my write-ups as real, to-the-point and based entirely on my own personal experiences.
So, whether you’re on the market for a fun new toy or you’re looking for a more serious mode of transportation, you’ll find the latest boards and links to some of the best deals right here.
Alternatively, if there’s a board you’d like me to put through its paces before you buy it, give me a shout and I’ll see what I can do.
Thanks for reading and enjoy!